
The purpose of this award program is to recognize MDC employees who demonstrate excellence. The criteria and eligibility may change from time to time.


Attributes of Excellence

Amplify the College’s mission and vision and embody the College’s core values

Reimagining Student Success
  • Deliver exceptional support/service to our students and the community by building outstanding relationships
  • Display initiative to positively improve the student experience. Innovate processes, organizational systems, protocols and/or procedures to remove student barriers
Accelerating Academic Excellence & Innovation
  • Lead innovation and educational disruption to enhance the College’s role as a catalyst for economic and social mobility
  • Innovate processes, organizational systems, protocols and/or procedures to innovate student learning
  • Act as an exceptionally effective and cooperative team member or team leader for an initiative that significantly exceeds the goals/objectives of the campus/district area
Valuing a Culture of Care to Enhance Student Outcomes
  • Mentor and enhance the potential and performance of others
  • Project and inspire positive, collaborative attitudes in the work area
  • Create/enhance processes, organizational system protocols and/or procedures to build the Culture of Care
Living Our Values of Equity & Access
  • Create opportunities for everyone
  • Commit to student equity and access
  • Personalize student and employee development
  • Identify, develop and/or implement ideas that significantly improve equity and access
  • Enhance internal work processes, organizational systems, protocols and/or procedures to support equity and access
Securing Our Future
  • Develop, adapt pioneering models in educational delivery, student supports, actionable data, external/Internal communication, fiscal management, strategic planning, facilities usage, IT, and Talent recruitment, retention, and development
  • Identify, develop and/or implement ideas that significantly improve internal work processes, organizational systems, protocols and/or procedures
  • Demonstrate extraordinary resourcefulness related to fiscal duties to identify, develop and/or implement ideas that result in time/dollar savings, revenue enhancement and productivity improvement
  • Identify, develop future revenue sources
  • Identify, develop strategic partnerships

Recognition Principles

  • For this recognition to be meaningful to the recipient, the award must be: (a) linked to specific performance criteria and desired behavior; (b) presented in a timely manner; and (c) be awarded to those employees who have exhibited extraordinary standards of performance and accomplishment.
  • Every employee has a responsibility to ensure that actions that merit recognition are brought to the attention of the manager for consideration.
  • Recognition will not become an entitlement or expected compensation and cannot be awarded more than two (2) consecutive years
  • Award amounts will be capped at $1,000 net per occurrence (Grossed up)
  • The recognition period is annual. Awards are not guaranteed to be presented each year as they are based on merit, contribution, and the availability of funds. As such, there may be some years in which no recognition will be given.


  • Successful completion of at least two (2) or more years in their current job at Miami Dade College
  • Employee may not be on leave, vacation, or extended absence
  • Received a “Satisfactory with Commendations” or “Excellent” overall performance rating on most recent annual performance evaluation and must not be on a performance improvement plan
  • Be at a pay grade of 19 and below (Exempt/Non-Exempt)

Award Payment

Award will be submitted to payroll as recognition pay and will be reflected in an off-cycle paycheck closest to the award date pursuant to payroll policies.

Nomination Process Instructions

Please note: Only area heads can submit nominations. If you are an employee who wishes to nominate a colleague, please discuss with your area head.

To access the nomination form, you will be asked to authenticate before opening. The nomination process includes the following parts:

1. Nominee Information:

  • Complete all required fields (*)
  • Position/Pay Grade and Date of Hire are optional, if known
  • Nominee must have been in full-time position for two (2) or more years
  • Select Exempt/Non-Exempt to access the respective Nomination Evaluation/Nomination Narrative sections. If you are not sure of the classification, please click on the Job Description link to find the information

2. Required Acknowledgements

  • Clicking on the required field next to the Performance Evaluation boxes, confirms your acknowledgement of the performance rating and the required performance evaluation completion for the required criteria

3. Nomination Evaluation:

  • For each of the five (5) criteria, select appropriate rating. Total points will be calculated automatically at the end of the evaluation section
  • Note that there is an additional optional category – Accelerating Academic Excellence & Innovation which may allow nominee to exceed the total of 100 points for the five categories

4. Nomination Narrative:

  • For each of the five (5) criteria with assigned points provide detailed information related to quantifiable and qualitative evidence supporting points assigned. If Optional rating was provided, please include detailed information under Accelerating Academic Excellence & Innovation

5. Approvals

  • Sign and date
  • Only Area Head’s email address must be entered
  • Click the “I’m not a robot” box
  • Click on Submit Form
  • Area Head will receive Nomination Forms via a link, review and select recipients based on the number of awards allotted by campus/district area
  • If approved, Area Head will sign and click on Submit Form to automatically send to email address – presidentsaward@mdc.edu

For more details, please take a look at the nomination packet checklist.

The President’s Excellence honorees and date of ceremony will be announced in April 2025.

Please contact the Division of Human Resources at 305-237-2051, should you have any questions.

Nomination Form

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