MDC Online

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Welcome Online Students!

MDC Online extends a BIG welcome to you as you begin a new term. To get started, we have created a Getting Started Guide for your review. We hope you have a successful term in your online courses.

Accessing Your Course in Canvas

  1. To locate your online course(s) please Login to Canvas
  2. Use your MDC username (ex: jane.doe001) and password to login
  3. Click on the 'Courses' link at the top, right corner to view all of your classes
  4. Click on the actual course link that appears under 'My Courses'
  5. Begin exploring the content of your course by utilizing the menu bar in the left side of your screen
  6. Start by reviewing the syllabus and then continue by clicking on 'Getting Started/Start Here'


  • Install the Canvas Student App on your smartphone (Apple, Google or Windows)!
  • Save the Canvas login URL in your bookmarks on your computer, tablet or smartphone. If you need to locate the Canvas web site, you can always find it by going to the MDC Online Website.
  • Make sure you review the syllabus right away to check for the textbooks and other required courser material you need and to see what assignments or activities are due the first week. If you have any questions, email the professor. His or her contact information will be found in the syllabus. All required materials may be ordered by using the MDC Online Textbook Fulfillment Center. You can also pick up your course materials in person at any of the MDC Campus Bookstores.

Take the Virtual College’s Online Course Orientation

Each term the Virtual College offers a no fee, no credit online orientation for new students. The MDC Online Orientation is designed to help you:

  • become successful online learners
  • gain learning and awareness through self-assessments
  • grow familiar with the Learning Management System
  • acquire the technical skills necessary to succeed in an online course
  • discover more about MDC's processes and academic resources
You can find the directions on how to access it as well as a video describing its features.


  • Many professors will require you to complete the Orientation the first week of class. See if it is required in the syllabus or if you are not sure, contact your professor.
  • When you complete the Orientation, you will be able to print out a certificate.

Online Attendance:

MDC Online requires students to participate in ALL instructional activities as defined by the instructor of each online course. Online attendance is measured by students completing all assignments by the posted due dates. Students who do not maintain active participation will be dropped from the course and will receive an Instructor Withdrawal.


  • Always reach out to your professor with requests for help or to let them know about situations that may arise regarding the completion of your assignments. Be proactive in your communication with your professors-they want to help!

Helpful Tools:

MDC Online features several helpful tools for students to prepare for success in online classes. Check these out:

  • How Online Learning Works. Visit this site to learn what to expect in an online course, take a quick assessment to see if you are ready for online learning, review the online learning checklist, see what technology you need to be comfortable with in taking your online course and review the attendance requirements.
  • Spend some time reviewing the Student Resources section in the MDC Online Website. You will find a list of resources that can help you succeed in your online courses. There are links to other campus resources as well. Need help with Canvas? What about testing information? How do you utilize online tutoring? It’s all here!

We wish you the best and are here to support you throughout the term. We have a team of support personnel who are ready and willing to assist you. Give a us a call or send us an email.