
Explore the Programs at Miami Dade College

Student Outcomes

Graduation Rate

Graduation Rate
Graduation Year Graduate Rate
2023 84.2%
2022 91.3%

Graduation Rate = 87.8% Based on 2-year average for 2022-2023

Pass Rate

Licensure Examination Pass Rates
Graduation Year Group Miami Dade College
PTA Program
US Accredited Candidates
2023 First Time 84.4% 80.9%
2023 Ultimate 96.9% 91.0%
2022 First Time 89.2% 79.8%
2022 Ultimate 91.9% 92.5%

Ultimate Pass Rate Average = 94.4% Based on 2 year average for 2022-2023

*Resource: Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
Report data is updated eight times a year.
The data for this report is current as of April 16, 2024.

Employment Rate

Graduation Year

2023 94.4%
2022 94.4%

Employment Rate Average = 94.4% based on the two-year average for 2022-2023

*This information is updated annually in the summer term.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO’s)

PSLO 1: Upon successful completion of the program the student will communicate effectively with patients/clients, other health care providers, and the community

PSLO 2: Upon successful completion of the program the student will demonstrate proper draping and positioning skills to ensure patient privacy and comfort.

PSLO 3: Upon successful completion of the program the student will
demonstrate proper guarding technique for safe handling of patients

PSLO 4: Upon successful completion of the program the student will interpret patient/client data.